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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Can human generate electricity to kill other creature?

In some superhero movies, there are some bad guys or heroes who can use lightning to strike others. They can generate great amount of electricity, hitting their enemies from meters away. Electricity is such a great power that can stun or even kill people. It can even destroy lifeless objects. Therefore, it will be awesome if a human could carry and control that great power. However, it is doubted that if humans can really generate and control electricity.

Before we evaluate the possibility for human to generate electricity, we should ask ourselves this question: if there's any animals that can generate electricity in reality? Fortunately, the answer is yes. There's one kind of animal, the electric eel, that can generate electricity which is strong enough to kill other creatures. Electric eels have a kind of special muscle tissue, electrocytes, that can generate electricity. Those muscles generate electricity by moving ions which are positively charged into the muscle cell, creating the voltage differences between outside of cells and inside of cells. Each electrocyte generates 0.5 volt of electricity. Since there are hundreds of electrocytes in the body of electric eel, electric eels can generate up to 600 volts electricity. If we can create this kind of electricity generating muscles in human body, humans will be able to generate electricity. Moreover, humans may be able to generate more powerful electric current because humans are bigger in size and are able to carry more electrocytes. The electricity generated by a human may be two to three times greater than an electric eel can generate.

Although it is theoretically possible that humans can generate electricity, the scenes in superhero movies still seem unreal. In superhero movies, those super humans can generate lightning which is strong enough to destroy objects such as buildings. To destroy things, a great amount of energy is required, which means that only with strong electric current can electricity make destruction on objects. Nevertheless, the resistance of air is very high that high voltage of electricity is needed to generate strong electric current. In real life, there's only one thing that have such a high voltage of electricity, the lightning. The voltage of lightning is two to three hundred million volts, generating an electric current of 30000 amperes. With such a strong electric current, lightning destroy trees, do harms on buildings, and kill creatures. Notably, lightning usually strikes from the sky which is far away from the ground, but still make great destruction.(7-11 km) To generate the kind of electric that is strong enough to destroy things which located meters away, one must generate the electricity which is higher than ten thousand volts. It is nearly impossible for humans to do such a thing with electrocytes. Moreover, humans may be "electrocuted" to death by such a powerful electricity which is produced by themselves.

Although humans are unlikely to generate electricity that powerful enough to destroy buildings, creating a human who can kill creatures by generating electric currant is still possible. Maybe scientist can bring this idea into practice someday.

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